Tactical vests. The continues race

 In addition to Russia, where the unloading vest (RV) is included in the standard equipment of an infantryman, vests are used in many armies of the world. Turkish mountain riflemen, gendarmerie and rangers are working against the Kurds in "unloading". Having a large selection of different equipment, the fighters of these units still prefer unloading vests. They are worn by the "unloading" in the Presidential and Republican Guards of Iraq. As an element of equipment, vests are typical for airborne assault, light infantry and reconnaissance units of the armies of the developed countries of the world.

From my point of view, accusations about the unloading vest (as a type of tactical equipment) in narrow focus, found in some publications, are not substantiated. At the same time, it is said that “... the unloading vest is a very specific piece of equipment and is used only for short-term actions, it is inconvenient for long marches, during transitions, actions in the forest and very rough terrain; in addition, its purpose is very narrow - RJ is suitable only for a certain kind of action, with a certain weapon. 

Of course, many samples of vests are narrowly focused, and there are reasons for this. First of all, this is the lack of a unified approach when developing equipment. To this day, the requirements of almost 1945 are in force. Often, designers and customers develop technical specifications for the product themselves. In addition, for carrying out, for example, transient special operations, it is precisely "narrowly targeted" vests that are required.


Without a clear concept when developing equipment, there are still some general requirements. Among them are the following: resistance to open flame should be 6-10 seconds; the equipment should provide a quick exit from military equipment, the placement of double ammunition, NS and "medicine", the ability to crawl, compatibility with knapsacks, the wear period should be 3-6 years, the hardware used - metal.

Based on these requirements, it is necessary to evaluate various samples of equipment in general and unloading vests in particular.

SK-R unloading vest

Let's start with the SK-R unloading vest (Armokom, Khotkovo). The basis of the vest is a fabric armor package, to the cover of which the rest of the structure is attached. The vest is built according to the same scheme as the “Otter”, and is supplemented with polymer locks that can withstand a load of up to 60 kg. The main emphasis was placed on protecting as much of the fighter's torso area as possible (in this it is somewhat similar to a classic body armor), but in the end it turned out that the SK-R can be worn by soldiers with a chest volume over 104 cm, which is clearly not an advantage of the RJ. On the back there is a bulky bag for additional property, which can only be reached by removing the "unloading". The SK-R configuration excludes carrying a knapsack.

This is just the case when developers rely on the customer and his wishes for the number of pockets. For vests of this type, the use of cotton fabrics that absorb water or household polyamide fabrics is characteristic; plastic fittings that change properties at low temperatures; fragile belt belts and "frail" brands of textile fasteners.

Haberdashery (Ivanovo)

The unloading vest "Haberdashery" (Ivanovo) belongs to the same group. This is a hybrid of the 1st generation "unloading" and the knapsack, which is an enlarged backpack of the RD-54 paratrooper. One gets the impression that the vest is designed for bogatyrs, as evidenced by a developed "back" with pockets, which, by the way, cannot be entered by a plastic fighter. To "look" into the knapsack, you need to remove the RJ. The fabric used is similar to the uniformist fabric and is not suitable for equipment. Soft straps and excess plastic fittings complete the picture.

However, there are also pluses. Among them are “tails” tapes on the valves, frontal “fastexes”, attachments for safety equipment, soft shoulder pads. But "the vest is still overloaded with pouches.

Narrowly Targeted

Another "narrowly targeted" sample is the "Fort Technologies" model (Moscow). This model is an add-on, a "pillowcase" for body armorThe idea is great, but it's a shame that “insignificant little things” are not taken into account and the price is too high. Duplicate valve locks are not tied together - "contact" and buttons. When closed on "contact", the button does not work. With all the locks locked, the AK magazine dangles. There are no water drain holes.


The positive qualities include the fact that the vest is made of durable oxford nylon fabric - ideal for equipment. In addition, lacing is used to adjust the volume (however, there are no cord stoppers and strong blocks), and, finally, a “lightning” safety valve is provided.


The disadvantages include a safety belt, indicating a lack of confidence in the "lightning", the lack of height adjustment and fastening of the safety systems.

I will dwell on some other models in more detail.

The Lynx M15

The most promising, in my opinion, are the "Lynx" vests, designed by the Moscow firm "Vydra and K".

The Lynx M15 is a modular tactical outfit that belongs to the Otter family. "Lynx" is compatible with all hinged bags and removable weapons units (SBV) included in the "Vydra-Zm-KBTS" consumable system. This vest is distinguished from analogs by the design concept calculated to the smallest detail. "Lynx" М15 - a scheme with a closed "back", adjustable in volume (starting from size 48) and height (from 164 cm) of a fighter. Consists of three parts: two front and back, connected by belt straps and heat-resistant "fastexes". "Lynx" has attachments for belay systems. 

The scheme was recognized by the VTK Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Ministry of Justice as the most consistent with the requirements for a "police tactical vest." In addition to those mounted for the task and the type of weapon SBV, placed on the "face" and replaced in 25 seconds, M15 has attachments for hanging bags on the mesh (to improve thermoregulation) "back". In addition, the structural elements of the M15 allow you to attach the Kvartal M52-C tactical knapsack with a volume of 22 liters to it, complementing the Lynx with a voluminous back pouch. This option was born thanks to the Moscow helicopter fire and rescue service, which also uses the Lynx M10-P vest, developed exclusively for them on the basis of the Lynx M15 vest, in operations.

Removable weapons units (15 different versions) are designed for the whole variety of domestic small arms, taking into account special tasks in various versions: ambulance, baggage, hunting (24 and 12 cartridges of 12 caliber), sapper, rescue. Equally important is the presence of an evacuation loop on the M15, designed to pull the affected soldier out of the danger zone. 

Unlike analogs on the Lynx M15, a covert channel is used for the external communication headset - so that it does not cling to anything while moving. Main armament pouches (SBV) fix the magazines "living" in them (AK, SVD, PM, Val, Vintorez, AN-94 and magazines for 12-caliber cartridges) from falling out when standing "upside down" with an open valve. On all pouches, it is possible to use "silent locks" (MZ), which allow you to work in complete silence, without making sounds when opening bags. This is the third type of lock (after buttons and "contact"), repairable in the field and preventing accidental opening of the bag.

addition to the above, the Lynx M15 has pockets for an individual dressing bag, handcuffs, a gas (shock) grenade "Injection" and three multi-purpose pockets. In M15, polyamide nets with a strength of 70 kg / cm 2 are used, allowing water to pass through when working in the rain and during amphibious operations. The vest is very comfortable to wear.

In addition to the models of "unloading" with frontal "fastexes" there are also copies with "lightning". On simplified "Lynxes" the combination is accepted: "chest" - from "Oxford", "back" - from the net. At the same time, the "Lynx" scheme also provides for some liberties that are impossible on competitors' models. For example, the combination of "chest" modules M15 and "back" from the "Tarzan" family. This can be useful in hot climates as it opens up your back to all winds.

Unlike the M15, the Lynx M16 does not have special pouches for a gas (shock) grenade and handcuffs. They are replaced by fasteners for hitching pouches "Series M500", fixed on the locks-clips. "Lynx" M16 is a multifunctional liquid and therefore it is willingly used by hunters, rescuers, tourists. It is also suitable for the role of a survival vest.

In addition to versions with "fastexes", there are also "unloading" with "lightning" - this is "Lynx" M11 ("Caucasus") and RZ "Som" M32. The first version was first tested in the spring of 1998 in units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia and was highly appreciated vest.

The Lynx series vests

In my opinion, the Lynx series vests belong to the future due to their versatility and ergonomics. Vests are produced by Moscow organizations - the company "Vydra and K" and the association "Vympel".

The Splav Company (Moscow) is also characterized by a single concept, the basis of which is the Tarzan unloading vest, developed in 1996 with the assistance of Vydra and K. For "Tarzan" is characterized by the use of "Cordura", connection of elements with volume-height adjustment, metal locks and frontal "zipper". The necessary attention is paid to thermoregulation achieved by the use of porous materials used in the M23 and nets (for more details on the M23 see "Shotgun. Weapons and Ammunition", No. 1/98, article "Combat aprons. Today").

From time to time on business trips I use the M22 with mesh shoulders and back and every time I am convinced of its convenience. Since the mesh is tight and fits the body, the load is evenly divided and good thermoregulation is ensured. The disadvantage of Alloy mesh is low strength (up to 30 kg / sq. Cm).

Interesting sniper variations of the M22. They are characterized by pouches of unified volume on "front" fragments, connected by a large "zipper" without safety locks. The pouches hold both magazines for AK and 9A-91, Kedr and Klin submachine guns. The design provides for the placement in the pouch of both one and a pair of magazines for the AK, and in the case of using submachine guns "Kedr" or "Wedge" - from three to six 30-round magazines. As it is emptied, the pocket is pulled by the flap.

The outer bags have a solid bottom, so you can carry small items from cartridges to household items. A separate detachment of the Russian peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia in the summer of 1997 was supplied with a similar vest. According to the warriors, the M22 is one of the few vests in which you can crawl without the risk of losing anything or getting dirty. In their opinion, this is one of the three "unloading" after "Bittern" M02 and "Vydry-Zm-KBTS", which takes into account the requirements of the Airborne Forces.

The “Tarzan” family of vests

The “Tarzan” family of vests is the second, which has hinged pouches, fixed in place, which expands the scope of RZh application. A clean back allows you to crawl under obstacles and carry backpacks. "Back" M22 is made taking into account the hinge of pockets. The main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion and go to the knapsacks in time.

On the basis of the "Tarzan", experimental sniper versions were also designed, made taking into account the actions in the mountains. Some had “lightning” insurance, born of distrust of “unloading” with frail “lightning” that flooded the market. Sniper versions were born not from the dreams of the customer, but based on practical feasibility and ergonomic requirements. This is how the experimental Val / Vintorez versions were born, with a well-thought-out set of pouches (4 magazines, 4 F-1 grenades or similar, a first aid kit, an individual dressing bag, a radio with a charger, a NSPU-3 night vision sight).

Vympel Association (Moscow). tactical vest of the Bit series was developed here. Unlike "Tarzan", you can adjust "Bittern" in height (up to 205 cm) and figure (sizes from 48 to 62) without using anybody's services - right on yourself. This model is one of three (excluding the "Tarzan") that meet the requirements of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Ministry of Justice for a "police tactical vest" and its combat version.

Structurally "Bittern" consists of three blocks connected by "fastexes" and belt belts. Height adjustment is displayed on the front of the vest. The bit is made of oxford nylon fabric and is lightweight. Model M01 has standard harness mountings and 10mm soft polymer shoulder pads. When developing "Bit", the authors primarily focused on the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This explains why the vest has a closed back. This is necessary when conducting police actions and is especially important when suppressing mass riots. The closed back of the "Bittern" is characterized by the absence of free ends of the straps, for which you can grab. Along with hidden straps, on the back there are fasteners for hanging removable equipment bags with clips. This also allows the army special forces to use "Bit" to solve their problems.

In the "Bit" series, various models have been developed for both the army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs: with replaceable weapons units (SBV), for team leaders, ambulance for medical aid on the battlefield and others.


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